April 19, 2009

Week 28:: Bass(ish) is the Place(ish)

As promised last week - no solid themes from WSRP until the Term Paper embargo is lifted.  However, as a quick jaunt through my iTunes revealed, I do have a number of very hip little songeroos you might be interested in which are - very loosely - involved with some funky bass attributes.

We start with Mingus - - what more do you need to know?

Yes, "Come together" is a Beatles cover (and it's psycho-somatic). 

Sure, Now you'll listen.

  1. Charles Mingus - Boogie Stop Shuffle - Mingus Ah Um
  2. Charnett Moffett - The Shepard - For the Love of Peace
  3. Joshua Redman - The Crunge - Momentum
  4. Avishai Cohen - Come Together - Lyla
  5. Cassandra Wilson - Throw it Away - Glamoured
  6. Michael Blake - Feast - Blake Tartare
  7. Chris Potter - Togo - Follow the Red Line
::WSRP::  It Wasn't Me, It Was the Juan-Armed Man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about an hour tribute for electricfied saxophone?